I plan on visiting a lot of blogs today, looking for what makes one a good blog and a bad one. In doing so, I will be looking for many things, some of which are:
What is it that made me stay on the page, and want to come back?
What is it that made me want to follow the blog leads, network with it, or sign up for their newsletter?
Additionally, do they have a button I want to add to my own site, or in any way want to refer my own bog followers into checking out their site?
Do they have links that are useful to me?
Is the content good and useful?
Is the site pleasant and well organized?
Do they have ways of sharing their site to other social media sites?
Do they use graphic or animation that draws my interest?
Do they have paid advertising space that I might be able to utilize?
Should I consider writing a guest post for this site, considering the amount of exposure the article would get?
What applications do they have running on their site that makes it come alive?
Bottom line is: Is there anything on their site that I wished I had on mine? And what can I learn from this one to increase my own traffic, etc.?
Please feel free to leave comments of what you look for, and a link to your own site, so that we can see it.