Mystery Writers of America meeting
I attended the MWA meeting and heard author Martha Powers talk about cranking up the suspense in our novels. She really is an interesting speaker and talked about how important it is to have the central theme so powerful that a level of fear arises that totally hooks the reader. The characters have to be memorable and add to the tension and suspense of the story. An element of time always builds suspense,especially if it is a very short window. The writer needs to keep the tension building, but there are times the writer needs to let the reader breath. A short pause makes the next thrill more dramatic. She said to let the reader expect events to happen and then do the unexpected.
She mentioned how the writer needs to reveal the information slowly and let the character have time to develop. Once the details are revealed, the suspense of not knowing is over. In fact, she added that the strongest scene should be at the end of the book. This is what sells the next book. This is what the reader remembers. When the final details are given, the story is over and the writer needs to quit writing. Well maybe time to start the next story.
It is easy to see why Martha Power is such a great writer. She understands what readers want and has become a master in delivering perfectly.
Johnny Ray

Welcome to my writing blog. My name is Johnny Ray and as the writer of many novels, short stories, poems, blogs, screenplays, speeches, commentaries on breaking news, etc. I hope this blog will help to show the frustrations and joys of the work behind the scenes, and hopefully attract many people that will become friends, and maybe even fans of my work. Like all of life, it will be an adventure none the less. Thanks for joining me on the ride, and being a part of my life.
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