Author Johnny Ray's thoughts on promoting your book and yourself in order to obtain an agent.
Promoting your book can be a very interesting project. Especially if the book has not been published, purchased by a publisher or even accepted by an agent for representation. However, it's becoming more and more apparent that before anyone will take on the book there has to be a buzz about the author and the book. I think the best way to start is with a web page. I have mine at www.sirjohn.us and have it arranged mainly to attract agents and give them a brief idea of what I am working on. The next area I need to work on is public relations and think that my attending the right conventions and book fairs that just possibly I can meet the right agent or author that will help direct by path. The third area is getting something published and obtaining the credential that appear to be so valuable. I think by writing articles for papers and in fact anyone that will publish them is the best way to go. And, of course, I need to keep working on my next novel. Today I am working on the fifth chapter and a long way to go. But, I am pouring all that I've been learning into it and hope this thriller will catch the attention of an agent.
It will be good to hear what other want to be authors are working on and how they are actively searching for an agent.
Johnny Ray
Hi Johnny -
My critique group is almost finished with my book, and I'm very close to sending out queries again. I was so excited when I got done writing it, but it's true what they say - it must go through many drafts and revisions. I'm more confident with the changes I've made. Even when you think you're finished, you always find more to change! Well, at least that's been my experience.
That is fantastic. I will be glad to check over your query for you. And do not forget the chat on Monday nights.
Johnny Ray
Chat? I don't think I was aware...
Yes, the chat can be accessed through my site www.sirjohn.us I am looking forward to seeing you there
Johnny Ray
Do you self-publish, or do you find an established publisher, who will pay all the expenses and give you a royalty on the books sold?
Jimmie Vestal
Sand and Palms Productions
It is my preference, but I would never self publish. It is worst for your reputation than never being published. I have many request now for partials, etc. and still looking for a major agent. Also, the wrong agent is bad. There are only a handful of great agents out there and as you can imagine they are highly sought after. What I am learning is that it is not so much how good you write, it is how good you are at promoting your name that counts.
Johnny Ray
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