How much does blogging increase a writers exposure?
I have been wondering about this lately and attempting to find some solid proof which does not exist. So, the next best source is to ask writers you do blogging. It would be nice to find a way to correlate the two but even with all of the fancy analytic programs I use, it is impossible.
I do use one program that tracks where someone goes when they leave my site. This seems to be the best indicator of someone purchasing something.
Some writers want a core group of dedicated readers to start the buzz on their book while others want a massive following to attract many direct readers. It would be good to hear other writers opinion on this.
I'm leaving the field wide open on this subject hoping to hear your thoughts.
Johnny Ray

Welcome to my writing blog. My name is Johnny Ray and as the writer of many novels, short stories, poems, blogs, screenplays, speeches, commentaries on breaking news, etc. I hope this blog will help to show the frustrations and joys of the work behind the scenes, and hopefully attract many people that will become friends, and maybe even fans of my work. Like all of life, it will be an adventure none the less. Thanks for joining me on the ride, and being a part of my life.
When I decided to start a new career as an author/writer I did a lot of research on how to blog. I started blogging in the spring of 2009 and it's become a daily habit for me. I've been writing my first novels and blogging about what I've learned about manuscripts, doing a synopsis, and other tips from writers that I have studied. It's been an experience and I've picked up some fans along the way. The best thing in sales is word of mouth, so I'm thinking it will be the same when it comes time for me to publish my books. I'm working on creating a large fan base first...
Hi Sir Johnny... good luck with the promotion of your work... Yordie Sands (avatar)
This is such a good post. I think if someone wants an online presence then blogging will help to give them more exposure
Happy to meet you and read your blog expression. I am interested in knowing what tool you use to track visitors?
I use google analytics to see where my visitors come from and where they leave when they exit. It is really good.
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